Visual Studio Code Version 1.13 Available Now

Microsoft has released version 1.13 of Visual Studio Code in the May 2017 release.

Microsoft has released version 1.13 of Visual Studio Code in the May 2017 release. This latest version has been equipped with a lot of improvements, some significant updates, and some new features as well, so as to make it more user-friendly and powerful.
As per the official announcement, "Some of the key highlights include,
  • Changes to settings defaults - We're enabling several useful features by default such as extensions auto-update, editor drag and drop and minimaps.
  • Set multiple cursors with Ctrl/Cmd + Click - Add multi-cursors just like Sublime Text and Atom.
  • Improved Git merge - Inline merge actions with Accept Changes CodeLens.
  • Better IntelliSense details - Easily toggle full suggestion documentation.
  • Emmet abbreviations display - Preview Emmet expansions as you type.
  • Enhanced snippets - Increase your productivity with multi-cursor and nested snippets.
  • Faster debugger performance - Stepping through source code is significantly faster.
  • File links in exception stack traces - Jump directly to source code from exception stack traces.
  • Docker and MERN debugging recipes - Debug configuration examples for Docker and MERN stack projects.
  • More workbench theming colors - We've added more VS Code customizable colors.
  • Better NVDA support - Accessibility improvements for the NVDA screen reader."
To get complete details of features and updates in Visual Studio Code v 1.13, you can go through the release notes here, which are divided into six sections – Workbench, Editor, Languages, Debugging, Tasks, Extension Authoring – for better accessibility depending on the VS Code focus areas.