C# Corner Annual Conference 2017: Official Recap

The C# Corner Annual Conference 2017, one of North India’s largest developer conferences, was held on April 7-9 at the Leela Ambience Convention Hotel, Delhi. Here are the highlights of the event.

New Delhi (India), April 9, 2017
The C# Corner Annual Conference 2017, one of North India’s largest developer conferences, was held on April 7-9, 2017 at the Leela Ambience Convention Hotel, Delhi. The conference hosted 30+ celebrated international and national speakers with 45 extremely informative sessions covering all the latest cutting-edge technologies, along with career advice and personality improvement tips.
The conference was a three-day affair with the first day especially for C# Corner speakers and MVPs. The second day was the main event and it was open to the public along with all C# Corner members – MVPs, Speakers, and Authors. The last day was private again for MVPs and VIPs, and it was based on Career Advice.
Day One: Private MVPs & VIPs-Only Event
The first-day event was a private event for the MVPs, authors, speakers and C# Corner team members.
Mahesh Chand, Founder, C# Corner, opened the session with a warm welcome to the delegates and a short yet informative introduction of C# Corner. Then, all the delegates introduced themselves to fellow attendees.
Mahesh, who is also a twelve-time Microsoft MVP, technical author, and a software architect, thanked all the MVPs and the team, and shared his vision for the community in the coming years.
The C# Corner team showcased the new features and enhancements introduced in the last year; i.e., 2016, such as – Learn Section, Flair, User Stories, and Android as well as the UWP app of C# Corner, followed by a quick overview of what’s coming next.
The Welcome session by Mahesh was followed by Magnus Ma°rtensson where he gave some effective tips on how to become a good speaker, how to prepare your presentation, and what should be the key points in a slide show.
Next, the stage was owned by Pinal Dave who shared the tactics of setting and achieving your goals. This really was a power booster for the guests and the humour Pinal brought in his session got him a big round of applause.
Since April 7 was World Health Day, Pinal gave some tips on healthy habits also. He arranged a little competition among guests where they had to stay on their forehands only. Although the match was a tie, it filled the hall with a little fun and cheers.
After Pinal’s power-packed speech, our speaker from San Diego, David McCarter, showered the audience with advice on how to get ready for a job and improve your skills.
In the meantime, dinner was ready. All the guests enjoyed the delicious dinner with great enthusiasm. Even our speakers from foreign countries liked the Indian recipes a lot.
After a finger-licking buffet, Mahesh introduced the Editorial Team of C# Corner to the guests and the editors showcased tactics of improving writing skills.
In the following session, C# Corner Vice President of Marketing, Dinesh Beniwal, presented the achievements of the C# Corner Social Media team with growth charts and facts.
The first day of the C# Corner Annual Conference ended with a panel discussion where participants put their queries forth and the experts from the panel answered each of the questions with incredible responsibility.
Delegates and speakers were thrilled to unveil the conference brochure.

Day Two: C# Corner Annual Conference Public Event
The main event of the C# Corner Annual Conference took place on April 8, 2017. About 800 people were gathered there to learn cutting-edge technologies and connect with fellow developers from all around the globe. The event started with registration of guests at 7:00 AM sharp.
The Welcome Note, Keynote, and the Closing Notes were open to all, and the sessions were divided into three separate tracks.
After registration and breakfast, the conference started with an introduction to "TypeScript 2.0" by Nitin Pandit, "Dive in .NET Core" by Sourabh Somani, and "Getting Started with Microsoft Cognitive Services" by Vithal Wadje, in all three parallel tracks respectively. Attendees also enjoyed networking with each other just before the final showdown.
Next was a session from Jignesh Trivedi in Track 1, who delivered his session on “Building fFrst Angular 2 Application using TypeScript” The stages of Track 2 and Track 3 were owned by S.Ravi Kumar and Mahender Pal with their informative sessions on "Introduction to Xamarin Forms" and "PowerBI with Dynamics 365" respectively.
After Jignesh, Jinal Shah got on the Track 1 stage with his session on “What’s new in Angular 4.” There, he explained the features by creating a small demo application. The time in Track 2 was reserved for attendees to connect with each other. In the Track 3 hall, our speaker Feroz Khan held the stage and taught "How to build smart apps with Machine Learning".
Meanwhile, the team of our sponsor Syncfusion presented information about their services and products to our audience.
The next slot of Track 1 was reserved for networking while in Track 2 and Track 3, our powerful speakers Vishwas Lele and Neha Sharma filled the think tanks of the audience with their extremely informative sessions on Cloud Oriented Programming and NodeJS respectively. In track 1 hall, the C# Corner team started preparing for the Keynote.
As the sun moved up in the sky, the crowd started arriving; at 10:30 in the morning, the hall of the Keynote Session was packed with techies.
The Keynote session started with a warm welcome from our founder Mahesh Chand where he welcomed and thanked everybody. The Keynote hall was fully crowded with 700 plus technology enthusiasts, C# Corner MVPs, our honourable speakers, and C# Corner Team.
Mahesh talked about the C# Corner Community, its significance in today’s competitive environment, its achievements etc., along with introducing our speakers and sponsors to the guests. This was great to hear from key people of the C# Corner foundation.
After a great Keynote session and introduction, the Annual Conference went back on track – the three tracks full of knowledge.
In Track 1, David McCarter put together a fully informative and musical session with his topic, "Rock your .NET Core Practices” while in Track 2, Abhishek Kant talked about "Machine Learning". This slot of Track 3 was taken by BrijRaj Singh with the concepts of “Windows Containers.
Once all the sessions finished, it was time for lunch. A delicious lunch was served to all the attendees and guests in a buffet.
After lunch, the stage of Track 1 was owned by Jochen Kristatter presenting "How to get started with .NET Core on Linux". The Track 2 audience listened to Magnus where he explained about  the "Azure Development Frontier;" i.e., how to expand the limits of Azure. The Track 3 audience got a chance to gain knowledge of "Blockchain Development" delivered by Dan Gershony.
The Conference was in full swing with back-to-back sessions going on in all three tracks. In the next slot, Joseph Guadagno held the stage of Track 1, Prabhjot Bakshi took stage of Track 2, and Pinal Dave owned Track 3. There sessions were based on “Native mobile apps using Ionic,” “Leveraging Azure IOT for business innovation,” and “SQL Server Worst Practices” respectively.
The very talented Joseph finished his session in Track 1 and started imparting knowledge of "Bootstrap 4.0" in Track2. The Track 1 audience was then entertained by Sekhar Srinivasan with his extensive knowledge of new features of Visual Studio 2017 and C# 7.0. The Track 3 audience got a chance to hear Suketu Nayak talk about "Azure Big Data and HDInsight."
After that, Naveen Sharma got on the Track 1 stage to share his knowledge about "The practical way to understand Enterprise Architecture." Track 2 listened to Magnus talking about the features of "Azure Resource Manager" and the Track 3 audience was delighted to get Pinal Dave back with a solid cheat sheet of tips and tricks to "Improve your SQL Server Performance."
After a short tea break, the conference started reaching its end. Our rocking speaker David McCarter rocked the audience of Track 1 with an energetic and blasting guitar performance. The audience was spell-bound with his musical skills. As perfect as he is in guitar playing, so is his knowledge about interviews. He taught the audience "How to win a technical interview" with some really secret and some really minor yet important tips.
In Track 2, Supreet Tare imparted his knowledge on "Working with Xamarin Forms and Azure" for developing apps while in Track 3, Cherwine Bhiwoo described the process of "Building Intelligent Bot applications".
Time rolled on very quickly and before we realized it, the last sessions were going on. The Track 1 audience was leveraging the knowledge of rocking technical interviews by David McCarter, the Track 2 guests got a chance to learn ReactJS, and the Track 3 stage was taken by founder Mahesh Chand where he demonstrated the AR/VR technologies with live HoloLens demos to the audience, and speaker Vivek Raj explained how to build AR game applications using Vuforia.
Finally, it was time to present the MVP Awards, and to distribute prizes and licenses to various members.
The grand prizes included a Windows Surface Pro offered by our sponsor Stratis, an iPad Mini offered by sponsor SyncFusion, and Amazon Echo Dot and Raspberry Pi offered by C# Corner. To appreciate the attendees, other prizes included Licenses by Mapt and Packt, C# Corner printed T-shirts and pens, etc. 
After the prize distribution, MVP Awards distribution, and experts panel discussion, Mahesh Chand closed the event with a thank you speech followed by a group photograph.
The fun did not stop there. A grand party was also oragnized by C# Corner. A well-deserved feeling of enjoyment among the speakers and the attendees was easily noticed everywhere.
About C# Corner Annual Conference
The C# Corner Annual Conference is a three-day annual meeting where C# Corner MVPs, authors, International Speakers, Tech Influencers, Chapter leaders, moderators and editors meet, honor, demonstrate, plan, and have fun. Authors and speakers talk about cutting-edge technology, trends and topics.