Visual Studio 2017 Version 15.3 Preview Available Now

Visual Studio 2017 Version 15.3 Preview is available now.

Visual Studio 2017 Version 15.3 Preview download is available now. The news was announced by the Visual Studio team via a blog post.
Some of the improvements and fixes in this release include 
  • Continuous Delivery Tools can now automatically build and deploy NET or ASP.NET Core projects to Azure Web App Services. This means that developers can create and configure a CI Build Definition and a Release Definition for their solution on Visual Studio Team Services without leaving the Visual Studio IDE.
  • Increased visibility on extensions’ impact on Visual Studio reliability. Visual Studio has a rich ecosystem of tools and extensions that provide useful functionality to developers. But sometimes, extensions’ interactions with Visual Studio can have bugs. We already provide some diagnostics via an infobar that lets you know if an extension is slowing things down. Now, the diagnostic system has been extended to let you know if an extension may have been involved if ever VS terminates unexpectedly.
  • Lightweight solution load (LSL) has been extended to large C++ solutions, which means that these types of projects will load faster. 

Download Visual Studio 2017 Preview here

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