Microsoft Announces Open Source Project “Draft”

Microsoft has announced a new open source project: Draft.

Microsoft has announced a new open source project: Draft, which incorporates containers and Kubernetes, so as to help the developers getting started with containerized applications.
As per the official announcement by Brendan Burns, Director of Engineering at Microsoft Azure and Kubernetes co-founder,
“As it’s name implies it is a tool that helps you begin that first draft of a containerized application running in Kubernetes. When you first run the draft tool, it automatically discovers the code that you are working on and builds out the scaffolding to support containerizing your application. Using heuristics and a variety of pre-defined project templates draft will create an initial Docker file to containerize your application, as well as a Helm Chart to enable your application to be deployed and maintained in a Kubernetes cluster.”
Not only this, the default scaffolding built by this tool is completely customizable using the user’s own draft templates. Brenden describes that Draft deploys an auto-sync Server into the exiting cluster (Kubernetes) so that every change in code can be synchronized with that on the cluster and a container is generated automatically without a touch of human interaction.
Since the project Draft is open source and in initial stage, Microsoft is expecting developers to try it and make their contribution towards building a strong community of Draft users to build powerful container applications.
The documentation and examples of Draft are available in the GitHub repository. You can visit the Kubernetes blog too to learn how to get started with Draft.