Microsoft Open Sourced Visual Studio Test Platform

Microsoft makes Visual Studio Test Platform an open and extensible test platform which enables running tests, collects diagnostics data and report results.

Microsoft has currently made the Visual Studio Test Platform an open and extensible test platform on GitHub. The VSTest enables running tests, collects diagnostics data, and report results.
The test platform has been enabled to support the running tests written in several test frameworks, and it is now using a pluggable adapter model. The test framework and its corresponding adapter can be acquired as NuGet or vsix package, depending completely on the preference of the users.
On GitHub post, the company has informed its users that the adapters can be written in terms of a public API exposed by the Test Platform.
Currently, the Test Platform is been shipped as part of Visual Studio 2017, and also in .NET Core Tools Preview 3.
You can now check the debug status here and the release status here.
You can also go on to contribute to VSTest, now. However, it is essential for you to know that the VSTest can be built from within Visual Studio or from the CLI, and it has been licensed under the MIT license. Given below are the ways in which you can contribute to VSTest.
  • Submit issues and help verify fixes as they are checked in.
  • Review the source code changes.
  • Contribute features and fixes.
  • Contribute to the documentation.
For detailed information on documentation, check the official blog.
Microsoft also mentioned that in this project, they have adopted their Open Source Code of Conduct.