Learn Kotlin On C# Corner

We are happy to announce a new category on Kotlin programming language, where you may contribute and learn Kotlin programming and also stay up to date with the latest happenings.

We are happy to announce our new category on Kotlin. In this section, you will learn Kotlin via the latest news and articles, such as why and how to get started with Kotlin.


Kotlin is a new statically-typed programming language that runs on the Java virtual machine and also can be compiled to JavaScript source code or use the LLVM compiler infrastructure. Kotlin is now the new official language for Android Development, announced by Google.

Calling Authors and Contributors

C# Corner community is looking for Kotlin authors, contributors, and speakers. If you're building applications using Kotlin, or write articles or blogs, we would love to read your content. We're also looking for Kotlin speakers for C# Corner local chapters. Speaking can be done in-person or online via webinars. If you're interested in contributing or speaking, let us know.

Learn Kotlin

If you're intersted in learning Kotlin or want to stay up to date, you may want to follow the category and you will get notifications when new content is posted.

Visit this new section for all the latest articles, tutorials, news, blogs, and resources.

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