Related resources for Kotlin
  • Basics Of Kotlin - JVM Implementation1/15/2018 3:32:43 PM. Hello Guys, we already knew that Google announced that Kotlin is a new first class language for Android Development. Kotlin is now an official language on Android. It's expressive, concise, and po
  • Using Collection In Kotlin1/2/2018 10:17:54 AM. Collections are used to store groups of related Objects in memory. Like java, kotlin also supports collection frameworks.
  • Linking Android-Kotlin Application With Google Play Store For Rating12/27/2017 1:03:00 AM. In this article, I am going to illustrate how a developer can link their app with Google Play store so that a user can navigate to the play store to rate applications by clicking on a particular butto
  • OOP Implementation In Kotlin12/22/2017 12:05:04 PM. Like other OOP languages, we can implement all the features of OOP in Kotlin. In this article, I am going to implement all features.
  • Code Reusability In Kotlin12/12/2017 11:17:38 PM. In this article, I am explaining how you can reuse your existing code of Kotlin using Inheritance with examples and diagram.
  • Understanding Classes In Kotlin12/7/2017 1:20:17 PM. In the above example, I have created a nested class ‘Nestedclass’ which has a data member ‘b’ and a member method show(),now the object of nested class can access member of nested class only.
  • Getting Started With Kotlin - Basics12/3/2017 11:09:53 PM. Google announced Kotlin as an official language for Android Application development in Google I/O 2017.Kotlin is a statically-typed language, developed by JetBrains and Open source Contributors in the
  • My Review Of Official Kotlin Shift For Android12/3/2017 11:09:39 PM. My review of official Kotlin shift for Android.
  • Functions In Kotlin12/3/2017 11:09:27 PM. Function is a set of code which may take some parameters, perform an operation on it, and then may return a value.
  • Kotlin Control Flow12/3/2017 11:09:15 PM. In this part, let us discuss the Control Flow of Kotlin.
  • Getting Started With Android And Kotlin12/3/2017 11:09:03 PM. It is a new programming language for modern multiplatform applications. It was developed by JetBrains and open source contributors .First appeared on 2011 and latest version of Kotlin is 1.1.4 which w
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