Google Makes Kotlin A First-Class Android Language

Google makes Kotlin a first-class Android development language.


At the Google I/O event today, Google’s Android team announced first-class support for Kotlin. Kotlin, originally developed by JetBrains, is an open source statically typed programming language for modern multiplatform applications. It is 100% interoperable with Java and Android.

From the Kotlin blog post:

“For Android developers, Kotlin support is a chance to use a modern and powerful language, helping solve common headaches such as runtime exceptions and source code verbosity. Kotlin is easy to get started with and can be gradually introduced into existing projects, which means that your existing skills and technology investments are preserved.”

“Starting now, Android Studio 3.0 ships with Kotlin out of the box, meaning Android developers no longer need to install any extras or worry about compatibility. It also means that moving forward, you can rest assured that both JetBrains and Google will be supporting Android development in Kotlin.”

“We will be partnering with Google to create a non-profit foundation for Kotlin. Language development will continue to be sponsored by JetBrains, and the Kotlin team (over 40 people and second largest team at the company) will operate as usual. Andrey Breslav remains the Lead Language Designer, and Kotlin will be developed under the same principles as before. We’ll keep our design processes open, because your feedback is critical for us in moving Kotlin in the right direction.”

Learn more about Kotlin here:

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