Xamarin Dev Days - Philadelphia Announced

Xamarin Dev Days event is taking place in Philadelphia, on August 12, 2017.

The famous Xamarin learning event, Xamarin Dev Days is taking place in Philadelphia, on August 12, 2017. The venue for the same will be Microsoft Technology Center located at 45 Liberty Blvd Malvern, PA 19355.
In the official announcement, Tim Yocum, one of the speakers at the event, states,
“If you're in the Philadelphia area, please join us for the Xamarin DevDays event on August 12. Get a free hands-on learning experience with your local developer community to explore mobile development through sessions on Xamarin, Xamarin.Forms, and Azure Services. Put new knowledge into practice by building a Xamarin.Forms application in the afternoon in a hands-on lab!
Presenters at the Philadelphia DevDays event include,
  • Alex Sorokoletov - Full stack C# and Xamarin Certified Mobile Developer
  • John Miller - Senior Support Engineer at Xamarin / Microsoft
  • Mahesh Chand - Microsoft Regional Director, 13 times Microsoft MVP, Founder of C# Corner, International Speaker, Author, Software Architect, and Technology Advisor
  • Tim Yocum - Full stack C# and Xamarin Certified Mobile Developer"
Let’s have a look at the event agenda.
For further details and registration, you can go through the Dev Days Philadelphia page; or log on to Xamarin Dev Days website to get the details of all upcoming Dev Days events around the world.
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