Visual Studio 2017 Encapsulates Visual Studio Modeling SDK Now

Microsoft announces Visual Studio 2017 RC update. Also, the Visual Studio Modeling SDK will be released as part of Visual Studio, and it will be available in all editions of Visual Studio.

Microsoft announces Visual Studio 2017 RC update. Also, the Visual Studio Modeling SDK will be released as part of Visual Studio, and it will be available in all editions of Visual Studio.
In VS 2017, the T4 SDK is installed with the T4 runtime as part of the Text Template Transformation optional component, and this itself is installed by default with several Visual Studio workloads.
The DSL Tools and Code Index SDK are installed as part of the DSL tools optional component, and this particular component can be found in Visual Studio Extension development workload in every available edition of Visual Studio.
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Known issues
Microsoft states that in the next update of Visual Studio 2017 RC, they would improve the experience slightly.
The following features will be available in the improved version, as per the official blog:
  • When you use the “Add New Project …” dialog, the DSL Tools project template is currently located under “Other Project Types | Extensibility”. And now, it’s the only one in this category. We are moving it to be under “C# | Extensibility” with the other Visual Studio SDK content, where it makes more sense.
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  • The DSL Project Migration Tool, (which transforms a DSL Tools solution created for previous versions of Visual Studio, to Visual Studio 2017) will also be added to the release.