Productivity Power Tools for Visual Studio 2017 Announced

Just before the launch of Visual Studio 2017, Microsoft released Productivity Power Tools.

Just before the launch of Visual Studio 2017, Microsoft released the Productivity Power Tools for this new version so that every Visual Studio user can leverage the power of productivity features in the brand new Visual Studio 2017 too.
The speciality of this new release is that the Productivity Power Tools are now broken into separate extensions and developers can now download as many extensions as they need. The following image shows the list of currently available Productivity Power Tools extensions.
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The new batch of Power Tools extensions can now be downloaded and installed from the Visual Studio Marketplace, or from the Extensions and Updates section of the Visual Studio IDE. The company has provided a bundled installer for those who want to work on the full suite of these extensions.
How it works
As described by Justin Clareburt, Senior Program Manager, Visual Studio -
“Every time Visual Studio launches, this extension runs in the background and checks to see if any of the Productivity Power Tools are not installed. If any are missing, it presents a dialog box showing progress as it automatically downloads and installs them all. If there are extensions installed by the pack that you don’t want to use, you can disable or uninstall them individually from Tools->Extensions and Updates.”
For further information regrading this launch, you can read the official blog here.