Orchard Core Beta 1 Launched

The Orchard community has launched Orchard Core beta 1, written on ASP.NET Core.

The Orchard community has launched Orchard Core beta 1, a fully redeveloped on ASP.NET Core version of its famous Orchard CMS that was primarily written on .NET Core.

Orchard has been not-so-famous until now and only around 127 projects were developed using Orchard until they have released this beta version, i.e., now. Sebastian Ros from Orchard community, states in an announcement,

“Orchard Core consists of two different targets:

  • Orchard Core Framework: An application framework for building modular, multi-tenant applications on ASP.NET Core.
  • Orchard Core CMS: A Web Content Management System (CMS) built on top of the Orchard Core Framework.

It’s important to note the differences between the framework and the CMS. Some developers who want to develop SaaS applications will only be interested in the modular framework. Others who want to build administrable websites will focus on the CMS and build modules to enhance their sites or the whole ecosystem.

….. we feel confident that developers can start building applications and websites using the current state of development. There are bugs, limitations and there will be breaking changes, but the feedback has been strong enough that we think it’s time to show you what we have accomplished so far.”

Sebastian also states that building SaaS solutions with Orchard Core Framework is quite easy to work with. The framework is distributed independently from the CMS on nuget.org. Also, they have posted some sample applications also on the GitHub page of Orchard to make it easy for developers to understand how to get started with Orchard Core Framework to build multi-tenant and modular applications.

To learn more about what’s new in Orchard Core CMS and Orchard Core Framework, you can go through this blog post on MSDN, or visit the Orchard website, or read the Orchard documentation.

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