.NET Conf Announced

Microsoft has announced a three-day virtual event for developers to be held from September 19 to September 21, 2017.

Microsoft has announced a three-day virtual event for developers to be held from September 19 to September 21, 2017, that will be co-organized by the company along with the .NET Community. The event will focus on .NET Framework, tooling, and community projects with hands-on practical sessions.
Source: dotnetconf.net
In the official announcement, the company states,
"Over the course of the three days, developers have a wide selection of live sessions that feature speakers from the community and .NET product teams. These are the experts in their field and it is a chance to learn, ask questions live, and get inspired for their next software project.
Developers will learn to build for web, mobile, desktop, games, services, libraries and more for a variety of platforms and devices all with .NET. We’ll have presentations on .NET Core and ASP.NET Core, C#, F#, Roslyn, Visual Studio, Xamarin, and much more."
The virtual conference will be broadcast over Channel 9 Studios from the Microsoft Campus in Redmond, Washington, USA. All the speakers will be live-streaming via Skype so as to eliminate the time of commuting of speakers.
Apart from announcing the event, the company has invited submission of content from .NET Community members. The format for the sessions is as follows, as defined by the company,
  • 45 min presentation content
  • 10 min Q&A (can be used during the session)
  • 5 min break to switch between speakers (remote/onsite)
To get the list of topics on which you can submit content, go here.
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