Microsoft Planning To Redesign Windows 10 User Interface

Microsoft is planning on refreshing its Windows 10 user interface in an update later this year. It has also come to our notice that Microsoft has started teasing the new features.

Microsoft is planning on refreshing its Windows 10 user interface in an update later this year. It has also come to our notice that Microsoft has started teasing the new features which are on their way. As per the exclusive report, Microsoft has provided us with a glimpse of what is known internally as Project Neon, during a Windows developer stream.
The brief glimpse seems quite similar to the screenshots of the new Windows 10 design plans, which were leaked just last month. However, the screenshots show some fairly minor adjustments to the overall Windows 10 design, where the company is mainly emphasizing on the use of animations as well as visually blurring elements within apps.
Project Neon will also include a focus on Microsoft’s 3D efforts in Windows 10, and the company’s HoloLens software.
Microsoft is expected to provide complete details of its Project Neon plans at its Build Developers Conference in May. Build will also go on to serve as a venue for Microsoft to discuss its next Windows 10 update, which is expected to ship later this year.