Microsoft Office Support For MacBook Pro Touchbar Now Generally Available

Microsoft announced support for Touch Bar display, right above the keyboard on Apple’s latest MacBook Pro laptops, and it is now available to everyone.

Microsoft announced support for the Touch Bar display, right above the keyboard on Apple’s latest MacBook Pro laptops, and it is now available to everyone. This takes place just a few weeks after everyone started taking early builds in the fast ring of Microsoft’s Office Insider program so as to show the new features earlier this month.
The Touch Bar now shows several options in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. In addition, Microsoft has added something new to the Touch Bar in those apps, a button which will allow you to easily rotate an object, such as an image which you will be able to drop into a document, Microsoft Office Corporate Vice President, Kirk Koenigsbauer, wrote in a blog post.
This is what the new button looks like on the Touch Bar.
Push that new button and you will gain this fun slider, given below:
VentureBeat spoke to a Microsoft spokesperson who stated that the Touch Bar support will soon be available on Outlook as well as on Skype for Business.