Microsoft Moves UWP Documentation At Docs.Microsoft.Com

Microsoft announces the release of Universal Windows Platform (UWP) documentation on Additionally, the company is also including docs for the UWP APIs, Microsoft Edge, and Cortana.

Microsoft announces the release of Universal Windows Platform (UWP) documentation on Additionally, the company is also including docs for the UWP APIs, Microsoft Edge, and Cortana.
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Martin Ekuan, Director of Developer Content Experience in Windows and Devices Group, states,
“I’m excited to announce the release of Universal Windows Platform (UWP) documentation on is the one place for Microsoft’s technical documentation. As part of this release, we’ve also included the docs for the UWP APIs, Microsoft Edge, and Cortana.”
Given below are the benefits for developers, as per the official blog.
  • One place for Microsoft’s technical docs, offering you a complete and consistent content experience.
  • A modern, community-oriented approach that’s open to your contributions and feedback, and responsive design that works on your phone, tablet or PC.
  • Better content discoverability and navigation.
  • Ongoing improvements to the site, new features based on your input and updated content from community contributions. Check out the November 2016 platform update post by Jeff Sandquist to see the latest features on
  • Moving to docs will enable us to open source all Windows documentation and enable community contributions.
Microsoft states,
“We’re very excited to connect with our developers through Be sure to watch this short video that explains how to start contributing to the content.”
Along with this new and updated docs, Microsoft has gone ahead and created new Code Samples Pages so as to help you find Windows samples on GitHub.
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The company states,
“There are a bunch of samples already available, and we want you to be able to easily find them by narrowing down your search criteria by technology area, language and platform.”