Microsoft Laying Off Employees

Microsoft has confirmed recently that it will be laying off thousands of employees from offices all around the world.

Microsoft has confirmed recently that it will be laying off thousands of employees from offices all around the world. This decision is being taken as an after-effect of reshuffling the sales and marketing plans.
It was reported that Microsoft is reorganizing its sales strategy, and will soon discontinue services of thousands of employees. Until now, the company had not spoken about this story but now, one of the company’s spokespersons has confirmed it.
“Microsoft is implementing changes to better serve our customers and partners. Today, we are taking steps to notify some employees that their jobs are under consideration or that their positions will be eliminated. Like all companies, we evaluate our business on a regular basis. This can result in increased investment in some places and, from time-to-time, re-deployment in others.”
However, the number of employees to be laid off is not confirmed yet, but it is estimated that this headcount will be around 3000 to 5000. Also, CNBC has reported that more than 75% of the workers will be from outside the U.S.
The company is now redirecting its sales team's focus on the very promising cloud service, Microsoft Azure, instead of working on traditional targets, such as – government, gas and oil companies, and pharmaceuticals etc. In this row, the layoffs have started already beginning today, and experts are expecting the process to be continued until the end of this fiscal year, with more big changes talking shape.
Now, Microsoft is under the microscope of critics who will be observing its every move. And also, it has got a prime and mandatory goal to gain significant growth in order to escape from being depicted as an evil corporation.
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