Microsoft Hosting First Azure OpenDev on June 21

Microsoft has announced that it will be hosting a new series of Azure OpenDev virtual conferences for the cloud developers and cloud architects.

If you are a lover of open source technologies and like working on the cloud too, this news is for you. Microsoft has announced today that it will be hosting a new series of Azure OpenDev virtual conferences for the cloud developers and cloud architects who use open source technologies at the core of their business.
The first virtual event of the series, about the possibilities of open source on Azure, will take place on June 21, 2017 at 9:00 am Pacific Time.
In the official announcement, the company described Open Source as,
“Whether it is to drive agility, develop new skills, or engage and scale through community, open source is at the core of how developers deliver value in a cloud world. Open source technologies are an integral part of our offerings, and we have a strong partner ecosystem helping us deliver the open source solutions developers love on Azure.”
These online conferences are scheduled to be organized every 3-4 months. The company has indicated that the first edition of OpenDev will elaborate the ways of running open source applications and solutions in the cloud.
“We’ll show you how to create microservices with open languages and platforms such as Java and Node.js (and really anything else), leverage containers and orchestrators, and improve your DevOps pipeline using open tools. You’ll hear people who are building and deploying open source solutions every day.”
You can check out the complete details of speakers and topics to be covered on the Azure OpenDev event page. On this site, the how-to sessions, hands-on demos, and resources are made available already by Microsoft, in form of videos containing instructions, code, and scripts available on GitHub so that the users can try and experience the open sourcing with Azure, themselves.
Well, the Azure OpenDev Virtual Conferences could be a great opportunity for you to learn leveraging the power of the cloud while working on open source technologies.
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