Microsoft Focuses On UWP Development In Developers Day Event

At the Windows 10 event in New York City, Microsoft has gone on to announce the Creators Update for Windows 10. The company has provided certain details of the upcoming new features to its latest OS.

At the Windows 10 event in New York City, Microsoft has gone on to announce the Creators Update for Windows 10. The company has provided certain details of the upcoming new features to its latest OS. Microsoft has gone on to inform that the Creators Update will be arriving in early 2017; however it will be available earlier for developers and Windows Insiders.
Windows 10 is a service, it means that it is built in a different manner, in comparison to all its predecessors; hence it can be updated regularly, with fixes and new features. The most current update is the Windows 10 Anniversary Update, which was released some two months back.
The executive vice-president of Microsoft Windows and Device Group, Terry Myerson, has gone on to explain the three upcoming components of the popular OS Windows 10 that has around 400 million users and developers. This will come with new updated features, such as 3D mixed reality, 4K gaming as well as in-game broadcasting. In addition to this, it will also come with faster ways to share and get connected with your family and friends.
Microsoft General Manager of HoloLens and other emergent technologies, Megan Saunders, came up on the stage and spoke about 3D, repeating the theme, “3D is for everyone.” She also showed the 3D capturing app for Windows 10 Mobile. She also goes on to introduce Paint 3D, a new app for creating and manipulating 3D objects.
Saunders says that the introduction of the Paint 3D is just a beginning and Microsoft will soon be integrating 3D into its numerous applications over the next year.
The 3D picture which you capture can be turned into hologram and can be viewed on Microsoft HoloLens. Microsoft Edge now goes on to support 3D objects. While you are browsing the web, you will be able to view any object available on the website, by placing it in front of you so as to gain a better view.
Edge in the Creators Update will go on to support VR experiences, along with the mixed reality experience. This will not be available just on HoloLens, but also on HP, Dell, Lenovo, Asus, and Acer, which will very soon be shipping VR headsets which will go on to run on Windows 10.
The next announcement was on gaming. The Windows 10 Creator Update is now gearing toward e-sports and broadcasting.
Microsoft’s Jenn McCoy, who is a part of the Xbox marketing team, shared that when you broadcast your game, it will start playing. All you need to do is to simply hit the Windows key, then hit the Windows key + G and you will be able to start a broadcast right from Windows 10. Gamers will now be able to create custom tournaments using Xbox Live Arena. Finally, Microsoft has informed that the 4K gaming is a go, however, very little details were given about this particular device, and hence it seems that it is still in work.
Alyson O’Mahoney, Microsoft’s principal group program manager, goes on to provide details on how Microsoft is improving sharing. She informed that the sharing of documents and other files to the same contacts will be faster using the Share Charm. She also discussed how Windows apps including Skype, Mail, Xbox Live, and others, will now be able to understand context and people better.
Myerson has gone on to promise that Windows Insiders will gain the first Creators Update build this week, itself. Hence, testers will be able to play with at least some of the aforementioned features in the next few days.