Microsoft Emphasizes On Intelligent Cloud At Connect() Event

Key points from the keynote of Microsoft Connect() Event in New York City.

Nov 15, 2017. New York City. Today, at the Microsoft Connect() event in New York City, in a keynote Microsoft EVP Scott Guthrie showcased many products and services that emphasizes Microsoft’s intelligent cloud and its offerings.

“It’s never been a better time than today to be a software developer” - @ScottGu

The event was kicked off by launching a video of Stephen Hawking talking about how computing power is growing each day and quantum computing is starting to become a next computing phenomenon.

Here is a list of key points from the keynote:

Any developer, any app, any platform

Visual Studio Live Share Support enables you to not only code together but also debug and support that works across Windows, Linux, and Mac

Demo of live debug on an iOS device using Xamarin Live player

.NET Embedding in iOS and Android allows share native code base with XAML

XAML Standard allows you to build consistent UI

Announced Visual Studio App Center

Microservices + containers

Azure Container Services

Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) in Visual Studio

DevOps in Azure using VSTS

Visual Studio and Windows team use VSTS. Over 25,000 Windows team engineers use VSTS.

SQL Server 2017 runs on Windows server, Linux, and Docker

SQL Operations Studio announced works on Windows, Linux, and Mac

Azure Data Migration Services in public preview

Azure Database for PostgreSQL

Azure Database for MySQL

Azure Database for MariaDB announced

Cassandra API for Azure Cosmos DB Announced

Microsoft joins MariaDB foundation as a platinum sponsor

Azure Databricks announced

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