Intel Plans To Release Chips With Meltdown and Spectre Fix

Intel Plans To Release Chips

World’s top chip maker, Intel is working around the clock to release a chip that will have built-in fix for meltown and spectre issues. Earlier this year, cyber security researchers found a hardware issue in Intel’s chips that could be targeted for meltown and spectre attacks.

On Wed, Intel’s CEO Brian Krzanich told press before the company’s quarterly report that Intel plans to release a new chip that will have built-in protections against the Spectre and Meltdown. The chip is expected to be released later this year.

Cyber security is one of the major concern for CEOs and CIOs and the cyber-attacks are excepted to grow in coming years. While most of the cyber-attacks are targeted via websites and emails, this is first of its kind where a hardware “chip” could be targeted by attackers.

Cyber Security is one of the Top 5 Developer Trends Of 2018 and will continue to remain a major problem for corporations but Cyber security also presents a big opportunity for software developers. Web architects and developers must start making cyber security as a high priority while building new websites. Here is an article that covers How to build a secure website.