Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Intel, IBM Form A Coalition To Lobby For DACA

Google, Microsoft, Intel, IBM, Facebook, Uber and several other companies have formed a the Coalition of the American Dream that will ask congress to pass the dreamers act.

President Trump has announced he will kill DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals), also known as “The Dreamers Act”, a program that was established by President Obama in 2012, which allows more than 900,000 illegal immigrants (“the dreamers”) to get legal work permits in the United States. Most of these illegal immigrants migrated to the USA when they were children. 

Google, Microsoft, Intel, IBM, Facebook, Uber and several other companies have formed a the Coalition of the American Dream that will ask congress to pass the Dreamers Act to help dreamers to stay, work, and get permanent residency in the United States, according to Reuters.

According to the news:

Some 800 companies signed a letter to Congressional leaders after Trump’s decision, calling for legislation protecting Dreamers. That effort was spearheaded by a pro-immigration reform group Facebook Chief Executive Mark Zuckerberg co-founded in 2013 called