Google Maps Revamped

Google Maps has been revamped to provide easy navigation and layout.

To put the information that you need most often within easier reach in the app’s interface, Google Maps has upgraded. Thanks to the ability to swipe up from the home screen, you’ll now be able to view things like the current traffic conditions and how that impacts your ETA to home and work – as well as transit schedules, places to eat or drink, nearby ATMs, pharmacies, and more.
Based on your current location, it is helpful for everyday information in real time. After swiping up on the home screen, users will see three new tabs for places, traffic, and transit, indicated by small icons. 
Google will present its own curated selection of restaurants and bars, which is organized under various categories like “best dinners,” “cheap eats,” etc. Major metro areas like New York, San Francisco and London were covered back in fall 2015 and slowly other markets were added as well. Subsequently, for better access, the tab has been relocated.
To provide you real-time ETAs to home and work, Google has added a second tab,  that alerts you to expected delays, as long as the address is saved within Google Maps. The final tab will exhibit which bus or train to take, when the stop is coming up, etc. Google has worked on the app's navigation and layout, which enables you to  tap into the various options more easily.
As far as Android is concerned, updated Google Maps have been rolled out and considering the parity between the two applications, the Android features will make their way to iOS in the coming weeks.