Google Launches Cloud AutoML

Google has launched Cloud AutoML, a machine learning platform for businesses.

Google has launched Cloud AutoML, a machine learning platform for businesses, where they can customize and build their own machine learning models using smart techniques. Google claims that this AutoML will help the AI experts to become productive and bring new advancements in the field of Artificial Intelligence.
At first, Google has launched Cloud AutoML Vision, which will help in building custom ML model for image recognition. Here, one can easily upload and manage images through its simple drag and drop interface.
In the official statement,  Google states,
“AutoML Vision is the result of our close collaboration with Google Brain and other Google AI teams, and is the first of several Cloud AutoML products in development. While we’re still at the beginning of our journey to make AI more accessible, we’ve been deeply inspired by what our 10,000+ customers using Cloud AI products have been able to achieve. We hope the release of Cloud AutoML will help even more businesses discover what’s possible through AI.”
Cloud AutoML also offers-
  1. Accurate ML Models- Cloud AutoML Vision approaches transfer learning and neural architecture and search technologies which provides more accurate model despite less machine learning experts.
  2. Faster production-ready models- Cloud AutoML enables you to create a simple model with your AI-enabled application, or your full production ready model in a day.
  3. Easy Use- Cloud AutoML Vision has a simple graphical user interface which enables you to specify data and convert it into a quality model to customize according to your needs.
If you are interested in Cloud AutoML, You can try using it by filling this form. For further details, please go through this video.