Google Announces Google Payment API

Earlier this week, at the Google I/O event, Google announced the Google Payment API that allows developers to build apps to pay in app or online with any verified debit or credit card saved to their Google account.

Earlier this week, at the Google I/O event, Google announced the Google Payment API that allows developers to build apps to pay in app or online with any verified debit or credit card saved to their Google account.

Learn more about Google Payment API and signup here:

Google Payment is expected to be integrated with Google Home and Google Assistant, that will allows people to send and accept payments via voice commands via Google Home speaker and Android devices. Once enabled, all you need to do is, say, “OK Google, send $10 to Brazil Spa.”

Google also announced a new reward and loyalty program for Google payments. Here are some of the new announcements in Google payment via blog post.

  • Android Pay is now available in 10 markets, with more coming soon, including Brazil, Canada, Russia, Spain and Taiwan.
  • The Google Payment API allows payments using existing verified credit or debit card saved in Google Account, such as Google Play, Chrome and YouTube.
  • Enabling people in the U.S. to send or receive payments via the Google Assistant and Google Home.
  • New ways for merchants to engage and reward customers before they walk into the store and after they’ve left.
  • Easier for Android Pay users to add loyalty programs