GitHub Marketplace, Apps, And GraphQL API Announced

GitHub has launched a series of services that were announced at the GitHub Universe 2016 event.

One of the biggest software version and code repositories, GitHub has launched a series of services that were announced at the GitHub Universe 2016 event. These services are launched to benefit the users by making the customization and evolution of their workflow easier and faster.
In the official announcement, the company states,
“Find integrations and put them to work in minutes with GitHub Marketplace, pair developer tools and fine-grained repository permissions with GitHub Apps, or build the exact tool you need with a new, production-ready version of our GraphQL API. Together, these tools give you everything you need to set up a custom workflow that grows with your goals.”
Let’s have a look on the new launches.
GitHub Marketplace
At GitHub Marketplace, developers can discover and purchase tools which will help them extend the functionality of their workflow. You can find a wide range of apps to help you support from inception to completion to management of a project. You do not need separate account or payment method setup for these apps.
“More than a dozen integrators have apps in GitHub Marketplace today, including Travis CI, Appveyor, Waffle, ZenHub, Sentry, and Codacy—with more coming soon!” 
GitHub Apps
Formerly known as integration, GitHub Apps is now generally available for the GitHub Community members. These apps are intelligent enough and need a minimal human supervision while taking actions through the API.
“Install them on an organization or user account, then give them access to the repositories of your choice.”
GitHub GraphQL API
The GitHub GraphQL API was first released with Early Access program but now, it also is generally available. This service provides developers ability to create their own tools by using the same API that has been used in building the GitHub repository.
“Ask for the exact data you need in a single request and get updates in real time—no more hitting multiple endpoints or waiting for new ones after a feature has been released.”
To learn more about GraphQL API, you can read the documentation.
Apart from these three major announcements, GitHub has announced two more updates -
"1. A new Git and GitHub integration for Atom is ready for your desktops. The integration provides first-class Git functionality and access to GitHub workflows without leaving your favorite editor.
2. The new GitHub Desktop Beta is now available. It’s built on Electron and offers a unified experience across operating systems. Best of all, it's open source. Developers and teams can now customize and contribute to the client by adding features and extending to other operating systems. Get the app for Mac or PC !"
Well, GitHub also is a part of constantly evolving IT industry. These new updates will help the repository system to keep pace with the fast-moving technology world.