Dates Of Google I/O 2018 Announced

Google has announced the dates for I/O 2018 Developer’s Conference. The event will take Shoreline Amphitheatre in Mountain View, California.

Google has announced the dates for I/O 2018 Developer’s Conference in a very innovative way including clues and puzzles. The event will take place from 8-10 May, at Shoreline Amphitheatre in Mountain View, California.
Google Developer’s tweeted this in coded language on Tuesday midnight with the first clue of the puzzle.
 When you will convert the given binary codes to text with an online converter, the text will lead you to a link, i.e., Google I/O URL
Though it is full of clues, it seems quite difficult for everyone to solve the quiz to get the dates and the location of the I/O Conference. However, you don’t have to bother with it too much; we have solved it for you (with some references from the internet). Watch this video we have uploaded on our YouTube Channel.
Source: C# Corner YouTube Channel