CyberConnect Launches $2M Ecosystem Grant Program, Apply Now!

CyberConnect, a leading blockchain security company, has announced the launch of a $2 million ecosystem grant program to support the development of innovative security solutions on the blockchain. The program is open to developers, researchers, and startups working on projects that enhance the security of blockchain networks and applications.


CyberConnect, a leading blockchain security company, has announced the launch of a $2 million ecosystem grant program to support the development of innovative security solutions on the blockchain. The program is open to developers, researchers, and startups working on projects that enhance the security of blockchain networks and applications.The grant program is part of CyberConnect's commitment to fostering a vibrant and secure blockchain ecosystem. The company believes that by supporting the development of new security solutions, it can help to protect the blockchain from threats and ensure its long-term growth.The grant program is open to projects that focus on a wide range of blockchain security topics, including:* **Vulnerability assessment and penetration testing*** **Smart contract security audits*** **Blockchain forensics and incident response*** **Security protocols and standards*** **Education and training**CyberConnect will provide grants of up to $100,000 to selected projects. The company will also provide technical support and mentorship to grant recipients.To apply for the grant program, please visit the CyberConnect website. The deadline for applications is March 31, 2023.CyberConnect is a leading blockchain security company that provides a range of security solutions for blockchain networks and applications. The company's mission is to make the blockchain more secure and accessible for everyone.