Couchbase Server 5.0 Preview Now Offers New Profiling And Monitoring

The latest February developer preview of Couchbase Server 5.0, comes with this new feature – “Monitoring and Profiling.”

The latest February developer preview of Couchbase Server 5.0, comes with this new feature - “Monitoring and Profiling.”
You can now easily download the February 5.0.0 developer release of the Couchbase Server.
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Matthew Groves, Developer Advocate, in the official blog states,
“As always, keep in mind that I’m writing this blog post on early builds, and some things may change in minor ways by the time you get the release.”
For improving the N1QL writing and profiling process, new META().plan functionality is implemented in Couchbase Server 5.0. Along with this, the new Plan UI is integrated, and contains a tree of operators combined to execute the N1QL query.
The latest developer version of Couchbase Server 5.0 comes with some amazing and new added tools to your N1QL-writing toolbox. For more information, check the official blog.
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