Cisco Announces A Jointly Engineered Cisco Integrated System For Microsoft Azure Stack Ecosystem

Cisco has announced a jointly engineered Cisco Integrated System for Microsoft Azure Stack.

Cisco has announced a jointly engineered Cisco Integrated System for Microsoft Azure Stack.

Microsoft states,
“We shared our goal of expanding the Azure Stack ecosystem to offer you more choice and flexibility of hardware options for your IT landscape. Today, Cisco announced a jointly engineered Cisco Integrated System for Microsoft Azure Stack. With this announcement, we are taking one more step towards our goal.”
Microsoft states that through the technical preview, they have noticed several customers unlock various hybrid cloud use-cases by using Azure Services across clouds and on-premises environments, building applications using a consistent approach and deploying them to the location which best meets their needs. Now, you will be able to make technology decisions on the basis of business requirements, rather than business decisions based on technology complications.
Microsoft states that in order to best meet your requirement, they have focused on two parallel areas of investments– adding features and functionality to the Azure Stack platform, and growing a diverse partner ecosystem. So, Microsoft now offers you a wide array of Azure Stack offerings and solutions, as well as services which best match your technical needs.
Microsoft states,
“To this effect, the joint Microsoft and Cisco announcement today brings together Microsoft’s Azure Stack and Cisco’s robust UCS platform, which helps reduce the complexity of delivering and operating hybrid cloud solution on-premises. This approach enables you to focus on delivering high quality service levels for business applications rather than focusing on infrastructure management. Cisco Integrated System for Microsoft Azure Stack is planned to be available in Q3 2017."
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