Chrome App Now Allows You To Watch VR Content

Google has announced that their latest version of the Chrome mobile app will allow you to navigate to VR-enabled sites so as to view any content. All you need to do is to specify that you want to enter VR and then place your phone in the Daydream View headset.

Day by day, Google is making it quite easy for people with Daydream-compatible phones to access Virtual Reality content. The company has announced that their latest version of the Chrome mobile app will allow you to navigate to VR-enabled sites so as to view any content. All you need is to specify that you want to enter VR and then place your phone in the Daydream View headset.
All those who do not own the Daydream-compatible phones, don't be disheartened, you will also be able to view Daydream content through Chrome. Just explore with your finger or mouse. However, there is a possibility that eventually you will be able to interact with the VR footage on additional headsets, like Google Cardboard.
Until now, people completely depended on separate apps for VR content, or they had to navigate to YouTube so as to find something to play or watch, and it was never really easy to find quality content. However, with this new update, it seems that finding VR videos will be a more natural process. Google has listed some VR – enabled sites on its official blog, check them out, and see for yourself how well it works.