C# Corner Starts Implementing Ideas

Team C# Corner has started implementing the ideas suggested by honorable members. Here is a detailed report.

Team C# Corner has started implementing the ideas suggested by honorable members. Here is a detailed report.
The C# Corner team had a rigorous discussion on implementation of the ideas posted in “Ideas” section, by C# Corner Community members. All the ideas were thoroughly validated and examined so that we can offer you the best experience at C# Corner website. Given below are the details of each idea.
Auto refresh user comment, messages, and alert
 As proposed by Vinay Singh, we have enabled the auto refresh feature for user comments, messages and alerts at the forum posts. Now, users don’t have to refresh a page to view the latest comments but they will appear on an already opened page as soon as they are posted.
Save answer as draft until posted
Our member Afzaal Ahmed Zeeshan put forth this problem of sessions getting timed out before posting a long answer. We have sorted the issue out and accepted his idea to give users the ability to save  their answers in draft until they are done with the complete answer.
Points for social media shares
This idea was advocated by Michael Griffith that a member should be awarded some points each time he/she shares a C# Corner article on his/her social media profile. Definitely, this will encourage more sharing and contribution. We have accepted and implemented this idea.
Notification Count
In the notifications buttons, we have replaced “0” with “no”. So now, the measege, “You have 0 notifications” is changed into “You have no notifications”. Thanks to Afzaal for bringing this idea to our notice.
Chapter leaders receive an email when a comment is posted on an Event
Our Kolkata Chapter lead, Nitesh Luharuka, suggested that the chapter leader of an event should get an email alert whenever a new comment arrives on an Event. We have implemented this already. However, there is one condition - the Chapter Leaders must have his/her notifications ON in profile settings.
The "Submit Idea" page should not open without login
The "idea submission page opening without login and content getting removed when logging in for submission” issue has now been resolved. Our member Raj Kumar reported this and gave us an idea to validate the login before even taking the user to the Idea Creation page.
Delete Account Functionality
Until now, C# Corner has not given members the right to delete their account from C# Corner portal. Now, we have got this advice from Pranav J. Dev to give users this ability. It took a lot of discussion and finally, the C# Corner team has agreed to implement it. You will soon be able to see this change on the portal.
Visually let users know the ideas they have already voted/upvoted
Proposed by Nitesh, approved by team, soon you will be able to see for which idea you have already voted on. This implementation has covered the idea given by Bhushan Gawale too.
My Contributions - Sort by latest contribution
We have accepted this idea recommended by Tapan Patel. We are currently working on it and hopefully, you will be seeing these changes within this week.
Rules and regulations
Previously, we had only FAQ page and Terms and conditions page to define the rules and regulations for C# Corner members. Our member Sirisha K enlightened us with the idea of maintaining a simple blog where all the information related to C# Corner membership and contribution can be stored. We have started working on it.
Learning Center for authors
The founder of C# Corner, Mahesh Chand had also contributed in the ideas section of the portal and proposed a million-dollar idea. There should be a Resource Center for authors where they can find all the information about improving their writing skills as well as promoting their content so as to gain the popularity they deserve. Well, we have discussed and made a plan already on how to implement it so that the readers/authors can get the maximum benefits from this section.
Total number of prizes won to be displayed in profile
C# Corner offers monthly prizes for the top rankers of the month. The ranking depends on the overall contribution of the member in that month for the C# Corner community. This idea was given by Syed Shanu to show the number of prizes won by a member in his/her User profile. You will soon be seeing this feature implemented on user profiles.
A page containing the information of becoming a C# Corner MVP
Suraj Pant has suggested us to provide a page where readers can get the information of how and why to become an MVP and all related information. We have started working on it also. We will publish the page as soon as we are done with packing all the required information in it.
C-sharp Corner Wiki Page
This idea is provided by C# Corner member Mukesh Kumar that the C# Corner Community should have a page on Wikipedia too, just like other communities and organizations. Well, we would like to inform you all that our content team is working on this idea too.
C# Corner MVP Sticker
C# Corner has become a brand now and we have more than 3.5 million registered members worldwide. It is now time for us to move ahead and focus on a little branding too. Our honoured member Vincent Maverick Durano has suggested us to provide MVP stickers to the C# Corner MVPs, which they can put on their laptops or other accessories in order to show the world that they are a proud MVP of C# Corner Community.
We just loved your idea Vincent. The MVP stickers have been added in the giveaways of the C# Corner MVP Kit which we gift to each of our MVPs.
Finally, we would like to assure you that C# Corner Team members have fastened their seat belts for this long journey towards excellence. We have either implemented already or have started executing the ideas given by you. Some of these suggestions were so obvious that we agreed to implement those without a second thought, while some took a little time and brainstorming to get an approval. But we would like to thank all the members for giving us direction in shaping the C# Corner portal.
Hopefully, by the C# Corner Annual Conference 2017, you will see all these ideas implemented on the C# Corner website.
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