C# Corner First Round Annual Conference Speakers Announced

We are pleased to announce the first round of C# Corner Annual Conference speakers. Check 'em out.

The C# Corner Annual Conference has been announced to commence on April 13-15, 2017 in New Delhi, India. We are all set for this upcoming mega event.

Today, we are pleased to share with you that we have completed the first round of C# Corner Annual Conference Speaker Announcements. We have announced 16 of our honorable speakers in this round, and as always, all of them are the prominent members of the IT / Developer community with huge experience and extensive knowledge.


Maarten Balliauw

Co-Founder of Myget, Developer Advocate at Jetbrains, Microsoft MVP, Author, International Speaker

Jeff Prosise

Co-Founder of Wintellect, Author, International Speaker

Diksha Deo

Founder And Ceo Of Incubsence, Co-Founder Of Ckho, Speaker, Writer

Pinal Dave

Founder - SQL Authority, Independent Consultant, International Speaker
Dr. Nitin Paranjape
Founder & CEO Maxoffice Services, Microsoft Regional Director, MVP, International Speaker

Neha Sharma

UI Tech Lead, International Speaker

Gaurav Mantri

Founder & Head of Technology at Cerebrata Software, Microsoft MVP, Technical Expert, International Speake

Joe Darko

Program Manager Evangelist at Microsoft, International Speaker, Author, MVP Lead

Sekhar Srinivasan

Microsoft Certified Trainer, Pluralsight Author, MVP, International Speaker

David Mccarter

International Speaker, Trainer, Inventor, Software Architect, Consultant, MVP

Allen O'neill

Microsoft MVP, Consulting Engineer/Architect, International Speaker

Prabhjot Bakshi

Microsoft Regional Director, Director Getwings Technologies, MVP, International Speaker

Joseph Guadagno

International Speaker, MVP, Lead Quicken Loans

Prabhat Nigam

CEO Laexug, CTO Golden Five Consulting, Chief Architect, MVP, Speaker

Naveen Sharma

Enterprise Architect, Blogger, MVP, Author, International Speaker

Destin Joy

Architect Ust Global, Microsoft Regional Director, MVP, Speaker, Author

To read a short biography of them all, visit the Speakers section at the Annual Conference website. We will be announcing more speakers in the coming weeks along with the names of Keynote speakers. The first keynote speaker will be announced on December 25, Christmas. Stay tuned for more conference related news. Or, visit the C# Corner Annual Conference website.