C# Corner Android App v0.5.7 Released

C# Corner launches a new version of its Android app today.

Tuesday, December 19, 2017. Philadelphia, PA.

We have launched a new version of the C# Corner Android app today with some useful bugfixes, added features, and updates. The C# Corner app v0.5.7 is available for download on the Google Play Store now.

Download C# Corner Android App from here>>

We have always worked on bringing you the best features of C# Corner on your Android device. The C# Corner app v0.5.7 is no exception. Here are the major changes we have made to this app –

Changed “Follow Categories” screen

On the Follow Categories screen, you will now see more user-friendly and modern looking design. We have changed some of the icons with the latest version of their official icons, such as - Microsoft Azure. And now, you can follow multiple categories in a better way with the new grid view.

Bookmark option on Homepage

On the Home screen, the feeds of the latest content will show up with the title of the write-up. And, the users are now able to bookmark an article by just a single tap on the Bookmark icon at the right side of the title of a write-up.


Enhanced Commenting system with "Follow" button

We have made a major update to the way users used to comment on a piece of content. Now, you can read the latest comments on the same screen while reading a post. And, not only this, just tap on the "Follow" button to follow the user.

Better look and feel of the Chat screen

Rich look and feel is what an app takes to add more user-friendliness to a functionality. This is why we have improved the layout of Messaging section. Unlike the previous versions, now we have assigned the left and right sides to the incoming and outgoing chat messages respectively.

Apart from these, we have fixed some bugs reported by users in the previous versions of the Android app.

The new version, i.e., C# Corner Android app v0.5.7 is already available in the Google Play Store. Please download or update the app and let us know about your experience with these new features.

Thank you,

Praveen Kumar

C# Corner Team