Azure HDInsight 3.6 Now Generally Available

Microsoft, at DataWorks Summit, announced the general availability of Azure HDInsight 3.6.

Microsoft, at DataWorks Summit, announced that Azure HDInsight 3.6 is now generally available. With this new updated version, it will be very easy for users to deploy and run various open source components of Apache Haddop & Spark. Azure HDInsight 3.6 is backed by enterprise grade SLA that adds more reliability in it.
As described in the official blog, here are the key updates.
  • HDInsight 3.6 has the latest Hortonworks Data Platform (HDP) 2.6 platform, so as to bring HDP to market cloud-first.

  • HDInsight 3.6 GA also builds upon the public preview of 3.6 which included Apache Spark 2.1.

  • Apache Spark 2.1 is now generally available, backed by our existing SLA. This will allow customers to use Spark to analyze millions of real-time events ingested into these Azure services, thus enabling IoT and other real-time scenarios.

  • This release includes an updated preview of Interactive Hive using LLAP (Long Lived and Process) which enables 25x faster queries.

  • This release also includes new Hive views (Hive view 2.0) which provides an easy to use graphical user interface for developers to get started with Hadoop.
Microsoft explains,
“We are expanding our interactive data analysis by including Apache Zeppelin notebook apart from Jupyter. Zeppelin notebook is pre-installed when you use HDInsight 3.6, and you can easily launch it from the portal. Following screenshot shows Zeppelin notebook interface.”
To learn more about how to start working with Azure HDInsight 3.6, you can go through the official documentation.