Apple Releases Live Photos JavaScript API

Apple has today released a JavaScript API that lets developers share their Live Photos playback on the web as well as macOS and iOS devices.

Apple has today released a JavaScript API that lets developers share their Live Photos playback on the web as well as macOS and iOS devices.
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In the official blog, Apple states,
“Live Photos allows you to relive your favorite memories with movement and sound. Take advantage of the new Live Photos API and let users enjoy these moments in your web app.”
This new LivePhotosKit JS API is now available on NPM website also and it includes some examples as well. Apple has shared documentation and a video also to help developers learn how to setup the Live Photo assets and run them online.
As per the official documentation,
“The JavaScript API presents the player in the form of a DOM element, much like an image or video tag, which can be configured with photo and video resources and other options, and have its playback controlled either programmatically by the consuming developer, or via pre-provided controls by the browsing end-user.”
Well, with this new API, users are empowered more to socialize with their loved ones. Let’s wait and see what comes next.