Angular 4.2 Released

A new version of Angular, Angular 4.2 is now available.

A new version of Angular, Angular 4.2 is now available. Along with this, the Angular team has also announced a new look for website.
The official blog states that there are no breaking changes in this new version, the team has adopted the semantic versioning of Angular as announced in October last year. The little improvements, mentioned in official announcement, are mentioned below -
  • Angular Forms now includes validators for min and max attributes
  • You can now bootstrap a component directly by passing an element reference to the bootstrap method of an ApplicationRef
  • Improved i18n tooling including MissingTranslationStrategy and location notes in xliff2 files
  • We've begun laying the foundation for testing AOT components, which will become possible in a future release
  • New compiler flag alwaysCompileGeneratedCode is available opt-in, and will be turned on by default in the future.
You can see the changelog for a complete list of features and bugfixes. Additionally, the team has worked a lot on Angular Animations and added a huge number of new features in order to strengthen it and make it easy to use.
More details can be found at yearofmoo website.
If we talk about website, the blog indicates,
“We've rebuilt the site's infrastructure, architecture, and design using Angular under the hood. The site has the same content as before, but now the code and content live directly in the angular/angular repo under aio. “
This makeover is done to make the public contribution easier. The team is also planning to refactor the documentation pages to make it lot easier for contributors to give feedback and suggestions. There will be an inline link to "improve this doc" on every page. This link will take the users to GitHub so that they can suggest changes. Not only this, the website will work as an excellent example of usage of Angular in building robust applications.
For further details and to have a look on the changes, you can visit the website.
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