Amazon Launches Echo Look

Amazon has launched a new voice-enabled camera called “Echo Look”.

The world of artificial intelligence is being revolutionized day by day. Now, Amazon has launched a new voice-enabled Echo camera called “Echo Look” with three main specialities that make it unique and a wonder-device. 
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  1. Echo Look is Alexa-enabled, which means it works on voice commands like in Alexa. You say, “Alexa, take a picture” or "Alexa, take a video”, and the device starts capturing your photos or videos. More importantly, it is capable of taking full length pictures or videos of a person.

  2. You can make a personal lookbook, a collection or gallery of pictures/videos captured, with the help of this hands-free camera.

  3. The third unique feature of Echo Look is Style Check which involves its extraordinary machine learning and sensors to make it smarter. It is capable of reading your photos in different outfits, and gives its opinion on which one looks better.
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In short, Amazon’s Echo Look is your personal photographer and fashion guide to uplift your outfit sense. Apart from these, more features of Echo Look are defined by Amazon as, 
"Echo Look helps you discover new brands and styles inspired by your lookbook....... Ask Alexa to read the news and audiobooks, set alarms, get traffic and weather updates, control smart home devices, play music, and more." 
However, this might be a little unsettling for some to put a camera and microphone in their bedroom, that can capture and store videos and images in a computer until they are manually erased.
The Echo Look device is available on Amazon website now under a price tag of $199. Well, Amazon must feel ambitious with this new launch but let’s wait and see how the customers take to it – and if it's a hit or a flop.