Simon Chod

Simon Chod

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Windows APp with 2 browsers inside to browse and control buttons to autologin,autocalculate, autopress, auto collect STATS

Nov 9 2009 5:38 PM
I need to create a program in Visual Studio, preferably in C# or any other that is better, to make a program that contains two browsers. I want the two browsers to be located on the left and right of the program, the program is as big as a whole screen, so enough space for two small browsers.

The Scale of the content must be adjusted to the size of the Browser, so i need the entire content of the website to be scaled down to for example 300x400 each.

So I have a program that contains two browsers inside of it, one on the left and one on the right. Above the browser there are Urlboxes and buttons such as Go, Forward, Back, Refresh etc.

The content again must be displayed according ot the size of the webbrowser. In Firefox you can press ctrl + - /+ to zoom out of the website, and make it appear smaller.

That is what i want to have in the browser, but i need it to be static. So the website fits to the page or given space by the browserwindow.

Further i need to create a few buttons that allow me to control the content of the website, and make it gather stats from both websites.

I want to specifically control certain automated processes of two certain websites. That is the tricky bit that contains the following:

Autologin into a website after a specific time or event
autopress Enter if a specific event ocurs,
Auto calculate a specific number
Auto adjust other numbers
collect data and statistics
and other functions the browser must be able to do.