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How to change the master page from a winform?

Nov 9 2009 6:13 PM
Hi there,

I am trying to change the master page of a webapp in SS I tried this code:

        public void mSetMasterPage(string sUrlSite, string sWebName)
            using (SPSite oSiteCollection = new SPSite(sUrlSite))
                SPWeb myWebSite = oSiteCollection.OpenWeb(sWebName);
                myWebSite.MasterUrl = "/_layouts/BlackBand.Master";
                myWebSite.CustomMasterUrl = "/_layouts/BlackBand.Master";

And in theory this works, but when I open the webapp it only says "Error" and I supose that I am missingo something, but I do not know what, could anyone give me a hand???

Thank you very much for any answer,


Answers (4)