Pat Tum

Pat Tum

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Binding DataGridView in .Net 2.0

Nov 6 2006 8:20 PM
Good Afternoon Experts, I am trying to bind a DataGridView to a dataset that holds a single database table so that it can be used to easily update changes to the database using an update button. However, when I attempt to use the dataGridView.SetDataBinding() property, it does not come up as an option in the intellisense. All the references to the DataGridView that I can find on the Internet refer to examples using dataGrid1, which seems to mean to me that they are using version 1.0 for their examples (and that includes the examples used by this website owner Mahesh Chand both here and in his book "A Prgrammers Guide to ADO.Net in C#" which I also own). Although this seems to be OK for that application, it does not appear to be an option in .Net 2.0 (or is it?). Or is their perhaps a different method call that is used with DataGridView to accomplish the same thing? Your assistance is greatly appreciated....Pat