Winodws 8 Experience - Office 2013

Windows 8 on Office 2013

The very first thing I installed on my Windows 8 laptop was Office 2013 Preview. I've been using it for a few days now. I installed even OneNote MX app on Windows 8.

Everything seems to be working pretty good.

When you install Office 2013, you will need to connect with SkyDrive so you can share your document on SkyDrive.

I am actively using Word 2013, Excel 2013 and Project 2013. 

Word 2013 Preview looks like the following:


Check out What is new in Word 2013 here.

Excel 2013 Preview looks like the following: 


Check out What is new in Excel 2013. 

I have to say, Great job Office 2013 team!

Learn more about Office 2013 here >>