Upgrading Windows 7 to Windows 8 - My Experience

Sony Vaio Laptop
8GB RAM Windows 7 Home Premium
750 GB HDD

- First thing I did is, created a system repair disk. 

-  Now running Windows 8 live from Web. First it check device compatibility and now message is Downloading Windows 8. 

It has about 34 minutes left. I have a high speed Internet connection. If you are not on a high speed, you may want to download .ISO image and burn on a disk.

Here is the download details link: Windows 8 Release Candidate

Here is the good part. Installation says, "Feel free to keep using PC." while downloading. 

- Download is checking

- Getting Files Ready 

Install Windows 8 now

You will see three options -  Keep Windows settings, personal files and apps, Keep personal files only and Nothing. 

Next message is Ready to Install.

Installing Windows 8

- Your PC will restart several times. This might take a while.
- Restarted
- Getting devices ready
- Getting system ready 
- Preparing 2% stuck here for a while. Over 4 minutes
- Restarted again 

- Moving your settings


- Awesome. I can pick any color theme. I pick Orange. 



Sign in to your PC

- Enter your password
- Email address
- Checking for a Microsoft Account (I used my MSDN account)
- Enter password  

Enter security verification info 

- Enter your password
- Email address


- Your PC will be ready in just a moment


I am good to go.

Nice work Microsoft. 

Windows 8 is AWESOME!