Related resources for windows controls
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  • Dependency Properties In Windows 8.11/17/2016 10:06:26 AM. In this article, you will learn about Dependency Properties in Windows 8.1.
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  • SPC CP and Cpk Chart in C# Windows Forms4/16/2015 1:27:40 AM. In this article today we can see in detail about how to create a simple Statistical Process Control (SPC) Cp and CPk Chart.
  • Cut, Copy, Paste, Select All, Clear All on a ListBox5/6/2013 10:45:17 PM. In this article, I discuss all the clipboard operations on a ListBox.
  • Convert VB6 Form to VB.NET Win Form11/10/2012 2:27:45 AM. VB .NET has changed the way developer used to program in VB6, GUI of VB6 used to hide most of the internals working from the developer but with VB.NET every aspect of programming is open GUI controls and all. The language it self got changed with VB.NET.
  • Guage Custom Control in VB.NET11/10/2012 2:23:18 AM. This article describes about Guage custom control in VB.NET
  • Joystick Control in VB.NET11/10/2012 2:09:26 AM. In this article and the attached source code project written in C# and Windows Forms, the author shows how to build a Joystick control that allows an object to move via the joystick control.
  • Related data from one dropdownlist to another in VB.NET11/9/2012 10:44:28 AM. Generally while doing registration in a website. When we choose any city dropdown list, its related states, country and zip code bind in respective dropdownlist.and textboxes.
  • LED Control Emulation in VB.NET11/9/2012 8:39:51 AM. This project describes an approach for constructing a hardware emulation of a segmented seven element LED display. This is the same sort of numeric LED used in microwave ovens, cheap alarm clocks, and even in some not so cheap aircraft. It is most commonly used to display things such as the time, radio frequencies, how much money you have deposited into the soda machine, or just how much it is going to cost to fill up the gas tank.
  • MouseStick Control.9/30/2012 4:36:26 AM. The attached source code is a MouseStick control written in C# and Windows Forms. The MouseStick control gets its name from the fusion of a joystick with a mouse. Think of the line in the MouseStick as a joystick that is controlled with your computer's mouse.
  • Customizable MonthCalendar Type Control: Part I9/30/2012 4:28:39 AM. This article shows to create our own MonthCalendar type control with the same basic functionality as the .Net MonthCalendar along with the ability to customize all aspects of the visual appearance.
  • Revised Gauge Custom Control in C#9/30/2012 4:05:38 AM. This is an enhanced version of the custom guage. Enclosed are the source code for the control, and the test program.
  • Configuring Connection String in App.Config File During Runtime For a C# Windows Application6/27/2012 2:13:02 AM. This document explains how to configure a connection string at runtime for a Windows application using C#.
  • Print the Controls of the Window Form6/13/2012 12:21:50 AM. This article will show you how you can print all the controls of a Window Form.
  • DataGrid Customization: Part-15/19/2012 5:25:16 AM. In this article, I will discuss some DataGrid customization tips such as how to I get the name and index of the column headers and how do I find out if mouse click right click was on a column.
  • Timers Sample - Two Timers Working in Tandem5/15/2012 4:31:25 PM. The Ssample uses two timers and demonstrates how to tame them.
  • How to Iterate Through the DataGrid5/15/2012 4:09:28 PM. In this article, we will show how to iterate through the DataGrid.
  • How to Access a Control in Another Form4/9/2012 3:47:17 PM. How to access controls in other forms using a worker class that accesses the controls on any form without public methods or accessor variables.
  • TreeView Control Populating with SqlDataSource8/21/2011 3:53:25 AM. The Article describes populating TreeView Control with SqlDataSource at runtime.
  • Using Margins to Position Controls in FlowLayoutPanel8/5/2011 4:34:54 AM. When controls are added to FlowLayoutPanel, say in TopDown flow direction without wrapping, width of the column in which controls are aligned incorporates left and right margin of each control.
  • The Complete DataGrid (Editing, Deleting, Sorting, Alphabetic And Customized Paging All in One)7/22/2011 6:26:34 PM. The DataGrid control allows you to select, sort, and edit items in a table from a data source; let's learn in depth about that in this article.
  • Using Windows Controls and Properties4/18/2011 12:29:55 PM. In this article we will see how to bind a single event to multiple controls and also use of the tag property. With this article we will clearly see how we can avoid redundancy of code and how to apply re-usability.
  • Select Single Radio Button in Gridview in Asp.Net3/16/2011 5:14:13 PM. In this article we will learn how to select only one row of a Gridview using RadioButtons whereas normally a RadioButton does not support selection of only one RadioButton within a row.
  • Show Child Grid inside Grid in Silverlight9/16/2010 3:39:34 PM. This article describes you the concept of Data Grid. It shows how use a child grid inside of a Data Grid.
  • Windows Controls and WPF UserControls inside an XNA Game Project8/10/2010 6:17:35 AM. In this article we will be working on using Windows Controls and WPF UserControls inside an XNA Game Project.
  • Drawing Shaped Forms and Windows Controls in GDI+8/7/2010 2:00:56 AM. In this article you Drawing Shaped Forms and Windows Controls in GDI+
  • Adding ToolTips to Windows Controls7/23/2010 5:37:24 AM. In this article you will learn how to add ToolTips to Windows Controls.
  • Event Handling in windows programming using C# 1/13/2010 10:52:44 PM. In this article I will explain you about Event Handling in windows programming using C#.
  • Owner Draw ListBox Control with Images7/3/2009 2:11:24 AM. In this article we will see how to write owner drawn ListBox control.
  • Masked TextBox Control6/29/2009 5:09:51 AM. This Masked Edit TextBox intelligent user control enhances the function of TextBox control, which can mask the Date, IP Address, SSN, Phone number, digit, decimal and check the validation, automatically set delimit location.
  • Custom Mouse-Joystick in C#6/26/2009 3:24:25 AM. It is a custom control that allows you to use your mouse as a joystick.
  • Custom Mouse-Joystick in C#6/26/2009 3:24:25 AM. It is a custom control that allows you to use your mouse as a joystick.
  • C# Custom Dial Control6/23/2009 3:26:38 AM. This article shows how to create and use custom dial control.
  • LED Control Emulation6/12/2009 12:41:01 AM. This project describes an approach for constructing a hardware emulation of a segmented seven element LED display.
  • Checked ListBox Control In C#6/2/2009 4:28:24 AM. The following source code will provide the use of CheckedListBox Control In C#.
  • Timer Control 8/14/2008 8:34:35 AM. The sample project attached with this article shows how to use the Timer control available in .NET and C#.
  • Understanding and Using the LinkLabel Control1/30/2007 5:44:50 AM. In this article, I will discuss some functionality related to the LinkLabel control and how to use it.
  • Dynamic Data Grid for Windows Forms Sizing Routine1/30/2007 5:36:27 AM. This article and the attached source code project is called GridLayoutHelper and it allow you to size a Windows Forms DataGrid much like you can an ASP.NET DataGrid.
  • Using SyncFusion Grid in Virtual Mode with C# and .NET8/29/2006 7:37:15 AM. This article and attached source code shows how to use SyncFusion Grid control in virtual mode to display and manipulate data from a data source.
  • Drag and Drop Controls within a Container8/29/2006 7:27:34 AM. The attached source code is a C# application that demonstrates the drag and drop of a Windows control within a container.
  • Part I: Simple Color Syntax Code Editor for PHP written in C# and .NET8/29/2006 7:13:33 AM. The Application is a simple Windows Form program that allows you to open and save the text files edited in the rich edit control, as well as print them out. The program takes advantage of a “syntax” text file for PHP which lists the functions and keywords contained in the PHP language.
  • .NET Flat Control Library8/29/2006 7:10:06 AM. The attached source code contains a library contains basic flat controls.
  • Editable GridView Control in C# and .NET - Part IV Exporting the GridView to Excel8/29/2006 6:39:03 AM. In this article we will take the contents of our GridView control and spill it into an Excel spreadsheet using this wrapper mechanism.
  • Outlook Bar Control8/29/2006 6:30:09 AM. This is a simple control similar to the OutlookBar. The attached zip file contains two Visual Studio .NET projects.
  • Sorting MultiColumn ListView Windows Forms Control8/29/2006 6:24:41 AM. If you want to sort on the first column of a ListView, simply click the Sorting in the properties Window and choose Ascending or Descending as a value. If you want to do sorting in all the columns of a ListView, you need to write custom sorting using the ListViewItemSorter property.
  • Using TreeView Control8/29/2006 6:20:09 AM. The following code will enumerate the Folder/Drives in the TreeView Control.
  • Using ListViews in C#8/29/2006 6:07:17 AM. As a Visual C++ user for 10 years I can say that Microsoft deserves praise for their new ListView class. The MFC ListView class was, well, unpleasant to use. C# makes life a bit easier with a richer property and method set for ListViews. Also, you can now, set the ListView to select an entire row in report mode, something that in Visual C++ you had to write a whole custom ListView control to do. Note also the nice grid lines.
  • Masked Currency TextBox for Visual Studio 2005 Beta2/25/2006 12:57:23 AM. There are some problems with the behavior of the current beta version of the MaskedTextBox when you are using currency. This article will show you how to overcome this behavior with an overriding control.
  • Masked Currency TextBox for Visual Studio 2005 Beta2/25/2006 12:57:23 AM. There are some problems with the behavior of the current beta version of the MaskedTextBox when you are using currency. This article will show you how to overcome this behavior with an overriding control.
  • Masked Currency TextBox for Visual Studio 2005 Beta2/25/2006 12:57:23 AM. There are some problems with the behavior of the current beta version of the MaskedTextBox when you are using currency. This article will show you how to overcome this behavior with an overriding control.
  • Joystick Control2/1/2006 9:06:16 AM. In this article and the attached source code project written in C# and Windows Forms, the author shows how to build a Joystick control that allows an object to move via the joystick control.
  • Joystick Control2/1/2006 9:06:16 AM. In this article and the attached source code project written in C# and Windows Forms, the author shows how to build a Joystick control that allows an object to move via the joystick control.
  • Multi Selection of DataGrid Rows without Ctrl Click1/10/2006 2:00:30 AM. This article shows how to select multiple rows in a DataGrid without using CRTL.
  • Multi Selection of DataGrid Rows without Ctrl Click1/10/2006 2:00:30 AM. This article shows how to select multiple rows in a DataGrid without using CRTL.
  • Tutorial: Working with Toolbars in C#1/5/2006 7:09:57 AM. This tutorial explains you how to add toolbars to a form, load images to the toolbar buttons, and writing event handlers for toolbar buttons.
  • Tutorial: Working with Toolbars in C#1/5/2006 7:09:57 AM. This tutorial explains you how to add toolbars to a form, load images to the toolbar buttons, and writing event handlers for toolbar buttons.
  • Directory Picker in C#12/31/2005 1:20:45 AM. A directory tree control let you select files or directories from any file structure on your computer system.
  • cwTab - A Tab Control in C#12/31/2005 12:57:42 AM. cwTab is a control written in C# that gives you the ability to add Visual Studio.Net, Excel, and InterDev tabs to any application. The control is fully customizable.
  • Working with Status Bars12/31/2005 12:19:58 AM. An article on how work with status bars and pens and images to the pens.
  • Message Box Builder12/30/2005 11:50:14 PM. This program will help you using MessageBox Class. Program generates code from what you choose.
  • Message Box Builder12/30/2005 11:50:14 PM. This program will help you using MessageBox Class. Program generates code from what you choose.
  • Docking Control in C#12/30/2005 11:27:33 PM. One of the first features of C# that took my interest was the ability to Dock a Control onto the edge of a Form.
  • Custom FileDialog12/30/2005 7:29:20 AM. The purpose of this article is to give a simple example showing how easy it is to create a custom FolderDialog.
  • How to create a "ComboBox button" in a toolbar in .NET12/30/2005 6:41:02 AM. You can actually put a ComboBox in your toolbar by just dragging a ComboBox from the toolbox onto the toolbar but if you want the ComboBox to be one of the toolbar buttons, you are out of luck using the regular old ComboBox. One way around this is to use the DropDownMenu style of a ToolbarButton to create a pseudo-ComboBox.
  • Introduction to TreeView Control12/30/2005 5:49:16 AM. The Windows Forms Tree View Control helps to display the hierarchy of nodes that can be used to represent the organization structure, file system or any other system which includes hierarchical representation.
  • An Editable GridView Control in C# and .NET - Part 112/30/2005 2:17:04 AM. I've gotten a lot of e-mail about my GridView control Article, so I've decided to write a follow up article on a more powerful control that allows you to edit the cells within the control and change the colors of the cells.
  • An Editable GridView Control in C# and .NET - Part II Persisting in XML12/30/2005 2:07:19 AM. In this article we will take advantage of the XML classes available to us to persist the GridView control that we talked about in our first article in this series. The two classes we utilize in our code are XmlTextWriter and XmlTextReader.
  • Editable ListBox Control12/30/2005 1:21:28 AM. A ListBox is a read-only list of items. But let us suppose your application needs to edit an item in a listbox at runtime.
  • Developing a Windows Control Library - Digital Clock12/30/2005 1:17:00 AM. A Windows control library is similar to an Active X Control that you have been developing using VC++.
  • Generating Wizards using Panels12/30/2005 12:56:34 AM. Wizards can be generated in different ways. This article shows you how to create wizards using panels.
  • Persist ListView Settings with Serialization12/30/2005 12:52:46 AM. In this article, I'll show you how to persist the column order and width settings by using Serialization, binary serialization to be more specific. And you won't believe how easy it is.
  • MS Office Style Color Picker Dialog12/30/2005 12:35:24 AM. For a project I'm working on I needed something more stylish than the standard color dialog which comes with .NET, so I decided to make a color picker dialog of my own.
  • Mask Edit Control12/30/2005 12:30:09 AM. This control is a attempt to emulate the Marked Edit control available in VB 6.0. MaskEdit control extends the TextBox System.Windows.Forms.TextBox control available in Microsoft .NET library.
  • MWControls v1.0.3.012/30/2005 12:17:38 AM. This latest version includes Multi Select TreeView Control which lets you choose between a few different ways of selecting TreeNodes.
  • Editor in C#12/30/2005 12:00:35 AM. C# Editor shows you how to use toolbar, status bar, dialog boxes, menus and other Windows forms controls.
  • Designing Inherited Controls for Windows Forms12/29/2005 11:56:55 PM. This article uses Windows Form's TextBox control to explain how to design your controls.
  • Vertical Calendar Control12/29/2005 11:53:11 PM. The VerticalCalendar control represents an alternative for standard MonthCalendar control and may be used wherever MonthCalendar control is used.
  • Syntax Highlighting in RichTextBox Control - Part 212/29/2005 11:42:45 PM. This article shows how to perform interactive syntax highlighting within the RichTextBox control.
  • Syntax Highlighting in Rich TextBox Control - Part 112/29/2005 11:36:14 PM. This article shows how to perform basic syntax highlighting using the RichTextBox control and C#.
  • Custom ComboBox12/29/2005 11:18:44 PM. The attached source code is a C# application that demonstrates how to create a custom ComboBox control in Windows Forms.
  • StatusBars in Real Applications12/29/2005 11:14:01 PM. In this article we will investigate the StatusBar control of .NET Framework library.
  • Directory Picker Pro in C#12/29/2005 10:55:22 PM. In my latest project I needed a dialog for picking a directory. I searched through the web, but found nothing that looked nice. First of all I wanted a TreeView for display, and I wanted to view all system drives (with correct names and icons).
  • Enhanced XP Button Control12/28/2005 6:46:08 AM. The enhanced XP style button is very easy to use and it supports rectangle, circle or ellipse shape with image and different colors. This control also inherit most of the properties from the Forms.Button.
  • Enhanced XP Button Control12/28/2005 6:46:08 AM. The enhanced XP style button is very easy to use and it supports rectangle, circle or ellipse shape with image and different colors. This control also inherit most of the properties from the Forms.Button.
  • Working with Windows TabControl with C#12/28/2005 6:25:14 AM. Windows TabControl is a useful control that allows you display multiple dialogs tabs on a single form by switching between the tabs. In this tutorial, I will explain how to create and use a TabControl in your Windows applications with C#.
  • Using Enter and Tab Keys to Navigate on a Form12/28/2005 5:44:02 AM. When building Windows Forms application you may want to use a tab or return key to navigate on your textboxes. This code shows you how to do it.
  • Grid View Control V - Sizing and Tabbing in the GridView12/28/2005 5:19:24 AM. This article is in response to forums question how do I resize and use tabbing in GridView control.
  • Revise-Generating ComboBox in a DataGrid Column12/28/2005 4:58:02 AM. This article and attached source code shows how to add a ComboBox column to a DataGrid control.
  • Object Binding in DataGrid with C#12/28/2005 4:51:16 AM. In this article, I will discuss how to bind objects such as an ArrayList to a DataGrid control using C#.
  • Using Property Grid in C#12/28/2005 1:54:48 AM. Property Grid control is one of the control we deal with all the time when writing UI applications. This article and attached source code shows how to use the Property Grid control in your applications.
  • How to Populate a DropDownList insides a DataGrid through an XML File12/28/2005 1:45:35 AM. In this article, we will show how to fill a DropDownList inside a DataGrid through an XML file. We will also show how the contents of one DropDownList changes dynamically as we change the index of second DropDownList (both inside the grid).
  • Localizable Message Box Control12/28/2005 12:25:41 AM. This is localizable MessageBox control. Buttons on standard windows message box controls are always Yes, No, Abort, Cancel, OK, Ignore, Retry. I needed different text on my message boxes so I decided to develop custom message box control.
  • Revised C# Control of a Dial12/28/2005 12:00:52 AM. The C# Custom Dial Control is a custom dial control written using GDI+ and C#. This article and the attached source code is a revised version of my previous article with an extended version of the control.
  • Meter Windows Control12/27/2005 11:55:22 PM. This article is a revised version of previous article named Windows Forms Controls in C# and .NET (Analog Meter).
  • Checked List Box Sample in C#12/27/2005 11:24:54 PM. This example shows how to use CheckedListBox control in C# and Windows Forms.
  • Adding & Retrieving items from listbox and check list box12/27/2005 11:22:54 PM. The attached source code shows how to add and retrieve items of Windows Forms ListBox and CheckListBox controls.
  • Selecting and Highlighting Multiple Columns in a Data Grid12/27/2005 10:56:03 PM. This article shows how to select multiple columns in a DataGrid and highlight the columns selected.
Blending in C# Made Easy
This book answers the following questions: What is blending, color blending, and alph...