Related resources for Properties in C#
  • Special Class Of C# Series - Part Two - OLE DB (Extended Properties)12/14/2017 11:22:23 AM. In this series of C# Special classes, we are going to see the special features available with the “OleDbConnection” class and its specialties.
  • C# 6.0 New Features: Part 112/23/2015 5:17:10 AM. This video will help the C# developers to understand the top 10 new cool features of C# 6.0. This video will be divided into two parts where in the first part I will be covering the following new features 1.using static qualifier 2.String Interpolation 3.Null Conditional Operator 4.Auto Property Initalizer 5. Expression bodied functions and Properties.
  • Properties In C#10/4/2015 11:42:44 PM. In this article you will learn Properties in C# with examples.
  • OOP Properties in C#6/15/2013 1:18:29 AM. In this article, you will learn about properties in C#.
  • Use PropertyGrid Control and Set Custom Properties in C#2/16/2012 6:00:48 AM. This article shows how to use the Property Grid Control & how to assign custom properties into the Property Grid Control.
  • Fields and Properties in C# 12/5/2009 10:51:10 AM. In this article I will explain you about Fields and Properties in C#.
  • Indexers and Properties7/14/2009 1:15:59 AM. Indexers and Properties the new features in C#, also known as Smart arrays and Smart fields.This article describes the detailed features of Indexers and Properties
  • Understanding Properties in C#6/5/2007 7:17:13 AM. In C#, properties are nothing but natural extension of data fields. They are usually known as 'smart fields' in C# community.
  • Properties in C#: New Cover on old book 12/26/2005 12:24:20 AM. Properties are accessor methods whose job is to retrieve and set the values of fields.
  • What & Why : Properties :: Part 112/23/2005 7:02:40 AM. If you were programming in C or C++ before coming to C#, you'll be a little bit confused about properties.
  • Components in C#12/22/2005 6:46:34 AM. The components creation and usage in C# is much more simple than earlier technologies like C++, ATL, COM.
C# Language Specification 5.0
This book provides a complete description of the C# language 5.0.