Related resources for networking
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  • InetAddress and Datagram Class In Java6/29/2013 4:15:44 PM. In this article we discuss the InetAddress, DatagramSocket and DatagramPacket classes in Java.
  • Introduction To Socket Programming In Java6/10/2013 6:49:46 PM. In this article we discuss socket programming in Java
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  • .NET Remoting: The Simple Approach9/30/2012 2:35:09 AM. .NET Remoting provides a powerful and high performance way of working with remote objects. Architecturally, .NET Remote objects are a perfect fit for accessing resources across the network without the overhead posed by SOAP based Web services.
  • Case Study: Demo Networking Financial System 9/23/2012 6:13:38 AM. In this tutorial I will discuss some of the design and development issues that one might consider when using .NET framework for developing Network affiliated applications.
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  • How to Share Status Across Social Networking in Windows Phone 7 Via WCF Service1/28/2012 5:23:34 PM. Today, in this article let's play around by implementing an interesting concept often used on a day-to-day basis in Windows Phone. This concept is highly useful for people who become involved with sharing messages across social networking sites.
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  • Creating a Simple Twitter Client Application4/26/2010 1:12:55 AM. In this article you will learn how to access Twitter API (sample application available.)
  • Building a Friends Networking Website6/7/2007 4:13:54 PM. This articles shows how to build a friends networking website using C# and ASP.NET 2.0.
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  • C# IRC Bot12/28/2005 2:26:58 AM. This is a very simple program that establishes a connection to irc server, joins a channel and greets every nick that joins.
  • Socket Programming12/27/2005 7:01:32 AM. This is a simple Client/Server program showing the communication taking place between the client and the server.
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  • TCP/IPLib Sample12/27/2005 6:03:15 AM. This compopnent contains both a TCP/IP server and client. TcpIpClient inherits from System.Net.Sockets.TCPClient and is very straight forward. After construction, specifying the host and port, a network connection is established by calling Connect(). Internally, upon a successful connection, the client receives a TcpIpPacket, which contains a unique cookie that is used in any subsequent transactions.
  • TCP Client and Server12/27/2005 5:38:25 AM. You need to compile the server and the client programs separately. Before compiling, change the IP address in both programs to match that of your machine (NOTE: You can get IP address of your machine if you run 'ipconfig' from the command prompt in Windows NT/2000 m/c's)
  • Socket Chat12/27/2005 5:14:00 AM. This is an implementation of a Chat program using sockets. Along with basic chat capability,
  • Console Based Chat12/27/2005 4:58:54 AM. This is a article on how to create a simple console based chat application using socket connections.
  • Real Time Application12/27/2005 4:48:29 AM. The Real time Application is a sample that shows the communication techniques between a client (TcpClient) and a server (TcpServer) application using Socket class on each side. The project also demonstrates how to using listview control in the real time project.
  • Network Programming in C# - Part 212/27/2005 4:21:17 AM. This is the second part of the series of articles about the network programming with C#.
  • Network Programming in C# - Part 112/27/2005 4:20:02 AM. The .NET framework provides two namespaces, System.Net and System.Net.Sockets for network programming
  • Simple Sniffer in C#12/27/2005 3:50:13 AM. This program shows you how to retrieve data from a packet using Sockets.
  • Chat Server with Client Implemented with C#12/27/2005 3:46:40 AM. This client/server application let you chat ....
  • Interrogating Systems with WMI12/27/2005 1:22:13 AM. WMI allows you to retrieve information such as hardware types, software installed and much much more.
  • Rebooting a Remote Server using WMI12/27/2005 1:13:32 AM. Windows Management Instrumentation or WMI holds many surprises and features but when my colleagues machine rebooted even I was surprised.
  • Interrogating System with WMI - Part 212/27/2005 1:01:39 AM. After my last article on WMI it was time to get serious. WMI or Windows Management Instrumentation is useful on a local machine to produce a WINMSD type program but using it across a network makes it even more useful.
  • Multicasting using UDP in C#12/26/2005 11:35:31 PM. The attached source code shows you how to use multi casting in a LAN environment.
  • Telnet Scripting in C#12/26/2005 6:45:22 AM. This library, written in C#, expands on some telnet code from various other sources, presenting the caller with a number of functions handy for scripting telnet sessions (i.e. SendMessage, SendAndWait, WaitAndSend, WaitFor).
  • Distributed Cross Platform Applications, the Easy Way 12/26/2005 6:34:08 AM. There are many ways of transferring data from one process to another. All those methods have some advantages, but also some drawbacks.
  • Remote Objects: Part I12/26/2005 6:22:30 AM. This demo shows how to create the remote objects with callback functions and use them in the window host.
  • POP3 Library12/26/2005 4:45:56 AM. This application is written in C# and is multithreaded, the allows the client application to invoke the POP3 library and get the messages, the status and the results of the POP3 events are passed back to the client application using the C# delegates.
  • SMTP/POP3/IMAP Client and Server Components Library12/26/2005 4:44:51 AM. The attached library contains the SMTP/POP3/IMAP client and server components. See the attached help file for more details.
  • TFTP application written in C#12/26/2005 4:15:01 AM. This application is the beginning of a program I want to use to download switch/router configuration files via TFTP and archive them. This application merely asks for an IP address and a filename then it receives the file via TFTP and displays it in a RichTextBox.