About MSIL

MSIL stands for ( Microsoft Intermediate Language ) and MSIL call as Intermediate Language or Common Intermediate Language . In MSIL at the compile time the compiler convert the source code into Microsoft Intermediate Language called MSIL codes. It is fully independent on CPU instructions that are responsible to be efficiently converted native codes. At the runtime the Common Language Runtime and Just In Time (JIT) compiler are converts the Microsoft Intermediate Language ) code into native code to the Operating System which are required by the Operating System and at the Microsoft Intermediate Language coversion time it also produces Metadat and that Metadata are contained in a portable executable file. MSIL have instructions for loading, storing, initializing, and calling methods on objects, as well as instructions for arithmetic and logical operations, control flow, direct memory access, exception handling, and other operations.

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C# Language Specification 5.0
This book provides a complete description of the C# language 5.0.