Related resources for MFC
  • Drawing A 3D Scene Using OpenGL in C/C++1/30/2017 10:18:32 AM. In this article, we will create a simple game scene and apply different textures to the drawn scene using OpenGL in C/C++.
  • MFC - Message Handling and InvalidateRect()1/22/2017 11:57:12 PM. This video explains MFC Message Handling and the role of InvalidateRect() in updating the Client Area.
  • Net DDE to .NET Remoting11/10/2012 3:09:49 AM. This article travel through time to trace the genesis of Dot Net Remoting right from RPC to RMI till SOAP.
  • Leveraging The .NET Framework Inside An MFC Application10/19/2012 12:29:29 PM. This article describes the first steps in taking an existing umanaged MFC Application and integrating the .NET Framework into it. It will also demonstrate to you how to bring up a Windows Form inside your MFC App.
  • Tip Of the Day Dialog5/19/2012 4:11:24 AM. This is a Tip of the Day Dialog for C# and .NET that gives users of your application a tip each time they launch your app.
  • Net DDE to DOTNET Remoting5/15/2012 6:33:38 PM. This article travel through time to trace the genesis of Dot Net Remoting right from RPC to RMI till SOAP.
  • Using ListViews in C#8/29/2006 6:07:17 AM. As a Visual C++ user for 10 years I can say that Microsoft deserves praise for their new ListView class. The MFC ListView class was, well, unpleasant to use. C# makes life a bit easier with a richer property and method set for ListViews. Also, you can now, set the ListView to select an entire row in report mode, something that in Visual C++ you had to write a whole custom ListView control to do. Note also the nice grid lines.
  • Event Handling in C#1/17/2006 5:52:09 AM. This article shows you how to write control, mouse, and keyboard event handlers in C#.
  • Event Handling in C#1/17/2006 5:52:09 AM. This article shows you how to write control, mouse, and keyboard event handlers in C#.