Related resources for DataContract
  • Convert JSON To Strongly Typed Object Using DataContract In C#6/30/2016 12:44:50 AM. In this article, you will learn how to convert JSON to strongly typed objects using datacontract in C#.
  • KnownType Attribute in WCF3/30/2015 12:22:08 PM. This article explains how to use a known type in WCF and provides a basic understanding of WCF and DataContracts as the prerequisites.
  • What a DataContract and DataMember Are in WCF: Part 511/28/2014 4:34:58 PM. In this article we learn what datacontract and datamember are in WCF.
  • Data Contracts In WCF7/18/2014 12:07:11 AM. This article explains Data Contracts In WCF.
  • QueryString to Object (Custom Properties)6/3/2014 8:19:28 AM. In this article I have described how to handle a QueryString with minimal effort using the features of C#, reflection and generics.
  • Understand WCF: Part 10: Attributes of DataContract and DataMember11/3/2013 3:38:06 PM. In this article we will see how to add attributes to a Data Contract and Data Member.
  • WCF Opt-In Vs. Opt-Out: Day 810/9/2012 12:36:41 AM. In this article we will discuss two different approaches i.e. Opt-In and Opt-Out used by DataContractSerializer and XMLSerializer. We will also see the difference between DataContractSerializer and XMLSerializer.
  • WCF Serialization Part 2: Day 710/6/2012 4:37:56 PM. In this article we create an application, in this application we use a DataContractSerializer to serialize and deserialize data. We also see how we can use SvcUtil.exe
  • WCF Serialization Part 1: Day 610/6/2012 3:20:05 PM. In this article we will discuss serialization in WCF. Default serializer in WCF and different kinds of serializers WCF supports.
  • WCF - Data Contract - Day 410/2/2012 4:50:03 PM. This article explains about DataContract, DataContractAttribute and DataMemberAttribute. It also explains the properties of DataContractAttribute and DataMemberAttribute.
  • WCF Programming for Beginners5/15/2012 4:47:12 PM. This article provides the basics for programming the WCF Service.
  • Versioning in WCF Data Contract: Part I - Adding New Members 5/13/2012 8:04:19 AM. DataContract versioning is required when a modification has been made to the existing DataContract exposed to the client from the service or vice versa. In this article we will explore New Member scenarios.
  • Basics of DataContract12/8/2010 4:25:01 PM. DataContract is under namespace System.Runtime.Serialization. During design time, DataContract Attribute is used to indicate which class should be represented as XSD.
  • Enumeration in DataContract of WCF11/1/2010 3:00:56 AM. By default Enums are serializable. If we define Enum at service side and use it in Data Contract, it is exposed at the client side.
  • Serialize Object Using Json9/7/2010 2:37:40 AM. If you want to serialize any object to or from JSON (JavaScript object Notation). You can use DataContractJsonSerializer's WriteObject and ReadObject methods to serialize and deserialize respectively.
  • CollectionDataContract Attribute in WCF8/3/2010 6:06:03 AM. In this article, I will explain you what is CollectionDataContract Attribute in WCF and why need it?
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