Android programming let's you design and develop for Android OS. Here you may find Android programming related articles and news.
  • Deepak Bajaj

    DatePicker Dialog

    DatePicker Dialog is mean component in Android with help of this components we can deal with data and time in Android.In this you will learn how to create and use datepicker Dialog in Android.
    Deepak Bajaj Aug 15, 2015
  • Deepak Bajaj

    Custom ListView

    ListView is a main component in Android development,but the download ListView layout is not impressive, but in Android we have a facility to we can create custom list view and use anything in this ...
    Deepak Bajaj Aug 15, 2015
  • Deepak Bajaj

    Create AVD in Android

    AVD stands for Android Virtual device and another name is Emulator in Android. You can test your Android Application in the absence of real Android device with some limitations. In this video you w...
    Deepak Bajaj Aug 14, 2015
  • Deepak Bajaj

    Send SMS by Intent

    In this video you will learn how to send sms using intent. In this app you will use the default sms app to send text message from custom app.
    Deepak Bajaj Aug 07, 2015
  • Sekhar Srinivas

    Developing Android Application using Visual C#

    Developing Android Application using Visual C# . Xamarin Android Mono for Android is used for developing Android Application using Visual C# .Hello World Android Application using C# and Using Tabl...
    Sekhar Srinivas Apr 13, 2015
  • Mahesh Chand

    DART Q&A

    Here are some Q&A on DART programming language.
    Mahesh Chand Jun 29, 2012